Tempe, AZ -- (SBWIRE) -- 10/01/2013 -- Mesthelioma experts Danziger and De Llano, LLP announce that new pages have been recently added to the mesothelioma resource site USAEP.org. Providing victims and their families with the legal resources they need to understand their rights and find the legal help they need in order to receive compensation, the site shares Danziger and De Llano's significant experience representing mesothelioma victims and winning them the greatest compensation possible.

Mesothelioma is a rare and deadly form of cancer that results from asbestos exposure. It can take years or even decades for symptoms to begin to show themselves. Many victims were exposed to asbestos on the job site. The most common industries affected by mesothelioma are construction workers, military personnel, and those who worked in mining or transporting asbestos. However, many people were exposed in more hidden ways by working in buildings with asbestos in them or by utilizing tools that contained asbestos without their knowledge.

There are many factors that come into play when determining compensation for an asbestos exposure claim. Most people were unaware they were exposed to asbestos, while their employers understood the dangers of exposure. In these cases, compensation may be available for those who were exposed either knowingly or unknowingly if their employers did not provide adequate protection.

According to an article on one of USAEP.org's new pages at http://www.usaep.org/determining-factors-in-mesothelioma-compensation/, "Of all the different factors that determine the outcome of a mesothelioma lawsuit, the single most predictive factor is the experience of the mesothelioma attorney and law firm that you hire to represent your case. The more that your attorney is familiar with all of the medical, scientific and legal information that is available about the disease, as well as about previous case law and precedent, the more they will be able to maximize the compensation that you and your loved ones receive."

One of the ways that has been proposed to compensate victims with mesothelioma is through trust funds set up by the companies responsible for the exposure. There are advantages and disadvantages to these trust funds, and USAEP.org highlights them both on another new page recently added to the site at http://www.usaep.org/mesothelioma-trust-funds/. One of the disadvantages of this option is that "environmental exposure" will not be covered, meaning that those who were affected as a result of their loved ones exposure to asbestos will not be eligible to receive compensation.

About USAEP.org

Created by Danziger and De Llano, LLP, one of the most respected and experienced law firms with regard to mesothelioma litigation, USAEP.org provides mesothelioma victims and their families with the legal counsel and advice they need upon diagnosis. Driven by passion, professionalism and over two decades of experience, Danziger and De Llano, LLP consistently wins the highest possible jury awards and settlements for its clients, providing them with the financial assistance they need. For more information, visit http://www.usaep.org.


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