Last June, U.S. Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.) took a leave from her office to begin treatment for lung cancer. Yet while the 69-year old Long Island Democrat has been a smoker for nearly 40 years, she has begun suing more than 70 companies that she believes contributed to her exposure to asbestos when she was a child.

McCarthy acknowledges that she never has worked with cancer-causing asbestos. She claims she was exposed to trace amounts of the substance as a child while washing the clothes worn by her father and brothers, who worked as boilermakers in U.S. Navy yards and power plants. Her legal filings, naturally, make no mention of her decades of heavy smoking.

Yet McCarthy's story isn't an anomaly: Even though the government began regulating asbestos in the 1980s, it recently has become more of a lucrative target for plaintiffs' attorneys looking to score large settlements. According to the National Cancer Society, cases of mesothelioma have dropped by 22% since 1992; yet claims against asbestos-related businesses have risen during that time.

The evidence suggests that many of the new claims are the result of fraud. A Wall Street Journal review recently found that more than 2,000 people applying for awards from the Manville asbestos trust claimed they were exposed to asbestos while working in industrial jobs before they were 12 years old. In some cases, nurses have said they were exposed to asbestos while chipping paint from boilers — odd work for nurses. Law firms have been rumored to be seeking distant relatives of dead people who can help assemble lists detailing where victims worked decades ago.

In order to satisfy the growing number of claims, companies have been able to set up trusts to pay victims of asbestos-related illnesses. Currently, there are more than 60 such trusts in America, which hold $36 billion in assets. In 2010, these trusts paid out $3 billion to claimants. In fact, since it's nearly impossible to determine which company manufactured the asbestos a claimant came in contact with, individuals can file claims with dozens of trusts at a time, regardless of whether any of the companies actually manufactured the offending materials.

In addition to trust claims, victims also are allowed to sue the companies directly, often "double dipping" in their efforts to extract money. In Wisconsin, when people sue a company for a tort claim, they are not required to disclose whether they already have received a settlement from a trust. Thus, a company can be ordered to pay a large sum to someone they already have paid through their trust.

The Wisconsin Legislature is debating a bill that would require people filing a tort motion to disclose whether they have received a trust settlement in advance of their court action. The bill wouldn't limit the amount a plaintiff could recover; it simply would allow a court to take a previous trust settlement into account when making an award determination.

The bill is opposed, naturally, by groups such as the Wisconsin Association for Justice, which represents trial attorney interests. Other liberal groups (One Wisconsin Now, Wisconsin Citizen Action, the Coalition of Wisconsin Aging Groups) have formed the Wisconsin Asbestos Victims Network, wisely couching their opposition to the bill as an attempt to protect military veterans who may have been exposed to asbestos on duty.

But not all veterans are on board with the bill. In October, past state commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of Wisconsin, Larry Kutschma, wrote a letter to the editor of the Wisconsin State Journal supporting the two versions of the bill, saying, "they will protect veterans by ensuring there are enough assets for current and future veterans." Kutschma says the assertions that the bills will impede or deny justice are a "mischaracterization."

Indeed, the bill will merely allow for more transparency in the tort process, allowing courts to consider the totality of the circumstances. It also will allow the court to compare claims made in trust actions vs. the claims made in the lawsuit, which often vary considerably. (For instance in 2004, Richard Baker, a Nevada electrician, sued 42 solvent companies claiming he had lung cancer, yet in his claim against Manville trust, he claimed he had mesothelioma — a very different disease.)

There's no doubt that asbestos victims should get what they deserve for their pain and suffering. But shining a little sunlight on the process can make sure the trusts remain solvent and protect Wisconsin businesses from unnecessary job losses.

Christian Schneider is a Journal Sentinel columnist and blogger. Email Twitter: @Schneider_CM


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