<p>The drive home was silent as Rick Doolin absorbed the news there was only a small chance that he would survive the next six months. </p><p>A rare cancer called pericardial mesothelioma had developed in the membrane surrounding his heart. The cancer is so rare that fewer than 200 cases are reported each year. </p><p>“My doctors told me that all I could really do was pray,” Doolin said.But by the time Doolin and his wife, Stacey, returned to their Palm Coast home from the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, the couple decided that they would celebrate each new day instead of grieving and worrying about the future. </p><p>“We couldn't think of a lot of things that we would have done differently,” Stacey said. “We have had an amazing life together and done everything we wanted to.” </p><p>The news of Doolin's cancer and prognosis touched not only his immediately family, but also the campus community at Daytona State College in Daytona Beach where he has been a science professor for the last 10 years.</p><p>“People are really affected by it,” said Kristin Mixell, a former student of Doolin's. “He is a passionate teacher and an all-around good guy. It was devastating for people to hear the news.” </p><p>Doolin, 48, moved to Flagler County shortly after completing his doctorate in medical neurophysiology at the University of Florida. The biology and anatomy and physiology professor is best known for his boisterous personality and his impassioned lectures that often border a stand-up comedy routine. Last fall, Doolin went on medical leave as his illness prevented him from teaching. </p><p>His ability to reach students and break down complex concepts is what former student Jennifer Wind remembers most about Doolin. </p><p>“He is one of the most generous professors as far as time goes,” Wind said. “He really puts his heart and soul into being a professor.” </p><p>Last fall Doolin had difficulty breathing and felt ill. After several months trying various medications for what doctors thought was pneumonia, Doolin's condition had not improved. By June doctors at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville had determined that Doolin's pericardial sac, which contains the heart and blood vessels, was damaged and needed to be removed. But it was during open-heart surgery that doctors discovered the aggressive cancer in the lining of Doolin's heart.</p><p>“It's a bad day when you wake up from open-heart surgery and it gets worse,” Doolin said. “It was a surprise to get cancer.” </p><p>This isn't the first time Doolin has battled cancer. At the age of 17, Doolin was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma, a cancer that affects the immune system. </p><p>“Having cancer at a young age hit me pretty hard,” Doolin said. “It made me think about what I really wanted to do with my life.” </p><p>On Sept. 28 the student body at DSC held an event to raise awareness about mesothelioma, with Doolin as the guest of honor. The event resembled a pep rally with students dressed up as superheroes such as Thor, Spider Man and Iron Man. Doolin's family and students have likened him to a super hero who is fighting a battle and have adopted that theme for fundraisers. The event raised money for the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation's research projects and Doolin's family. </p><p>“It's not the type of event you really want to be the center of attention for but it was amazing to see all the support,” Doolin said.</p><p>Mesothelioma is often linked to asbestos exposure but at least 30 percent of all cases occur in people like Doolin who have no known exposure. Because mesothelioma is a tumor that slowly spreads along the lining of the lung or chest wall, is it is often difficult to detect through X-rays or CT scans, said Dr. Elizabeth Johnson, an oncologist at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville. Less than half the patients diagnosed survive for a year, Johnson said.</p><p>“Primary pericardial mesothelioma is an exceedingly rare tumor, accounting for less than 5 percent of all mesotheliomas,” Johnson said. “The annual incidence of all mesothelioma in the United States is estimated to be approximately 3,300 cases per year.” </p><p>It's been five months since doctors gave Doolin his prognosis. He's been through five rounds of chemotherapy and has no plans to give up anytime soon. While he misses being in the classroom, Doolin said he is focusing on spending as much time as possible with his wife and two sons, Jesse, 9, and Noah, 6.a </p><p>“The kids give him something to fight for,” Stacey Doolin said. “They are so young and they need their dad. We have had four months of memories that we didn't think we could have.”</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>


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