(PRWEB UK) 5 December 2013

The Asbestos Advice Helpline, a celebrated team of dedicated asbestos litigators, has applauded a new decision which means that thousands of mesothelioma sufferers over the next 10 years will be able to claim from a £350 million fund to attain some measure of recompense for their damages. Described as a significant breakthrough, the amendments mean that sufferers who were previously disqualified from claiming compensation may now be eligible to do so.

Mesothelioma is an invariably lethal disease that typically overcomes its victims within an average timeframe of 9 months following diagnosis. The mesothelioma condition is almost exclusively confined to those professions that came into regular contact with asbestos dust prior to the substance being banned at the end of the 1990s, and more than 2,000 people die every year due to its influence. The quantity of reported incidents is only expected to increase over the next 3 years, and the number of deaths is expected to total in excess of 60,000.

A spokesperson from the Asbestos Advice Helpline has said: “These new proposals represent a significant improvement when compared to the current level of provision. In previous years, many victims have been inexcusably left without adequate support following a mesothelioma diagnosis, and this scheme goes some way towards rectifying a situation that has been in sore need of attention for a number of decades”.

Previously, a pair of relevant legislations has allowed mesothelioma claims to be placed up to an average of £20,000. Should the new fund attain parliamentary approval, this amount is anticipated to rise to heights of £115,000. Current government predictions suggest that more than 1000 sufferers will be able to receive this assistance in the next decade and, should the currently debated Mesothelioma Bill be passed without incident, the first payments could well materialise within a maximum of 8 months.

A degree of discontent has been voiced due to proposals that may implement a cut-off point for those claimants who are able to take advantage of the new fund, although the government have stated that an indiscriminate arrangement would be financially unviable. Despite the fund being restricted to sufferers of mesothelioma, and no further provision planned for those who are afflicted with alternative conditions, many campaign groups have hailed the legislation as a considerable degree of progress. The spokesperson from Asbestos Advice Helpline added that: “We welcome these reforms as a notable step in the right direction, and sincerely hope that, in time, they will be able to be expanded to incorporate all asbestos related conditions”.

The Asbestos Advice Helpline was established to help those suffering from asbestos related diseases and individuals who may be entitled to make a claim for compensation. The Asbestos Advice Helpline operates on a no win, no fee policy to help those afflicted (and their families) to deal with the legal procedures of making a claim. Asbestos was widely used before its ban and has affected many trade professionals who worked with it at the time; as well as people who may have come into contact with it since without knowing. Asbestos kills around 4,500 people a year from related diseases including asbestosis, mesothelioma and lung cancer.

The new fund for mesothelioma compensation means that more sufferers from this incredibly serious disease can now take advantage of the compensation that they deserve. For more information, to place a claim with the Asbestos Advice Helpline or to contact them about any of their professional services, visit http://www.asbestosadvicehelpline.com or call the Asbestos Advice Helpline team on 0800 088 7396.


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