Novel Genetic Treatment Gives Ray of Hope to Mesothelioma PatientsMesothelioma, a deadly cancer, generally takes place due to asbestos. A person suffering from the same is given remaining lifetime of just one year and if medication is added then the total remaining time gets to around 15 months.

The Asbestos Diseases Research Institute in Sydney has carried out a research in which they come up with a new treatment for this deadly cancer. Study researchers are quite hopeful to provide victims with the new treatment.

The researchers have shared the results of laboratory tests. The treatment involved the usage of bacterial mini cells, which do not have any genetic information. These cells are covered with anti-bodies and are sent to mesothelioma tumours with messenger cells.

Experiment has been carried out on animals having cancer and scientists have affirmed that the growth of cancer has not increased due to the same.

"Over the course of the experiment, which was about a month in duration, we found that the tumours didn't increase in size at all", affirmed lead researcher Dr. Glen Reid.

Dr. Reid affirmed that one of the main reasons for rise in growth of the cancer can be due to the low levels of micro RNAs in mesothelioma cells. Clinical trials on human for the same will start within six weeks.


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