
By Ali Lambert Voron

I don't know about you, but when I hear "New Year's resolutions", I think of tangible things like losing weight, drinking less alcohol, quitting smoking and finding a better job.

Resolutions I wouldn't expect on a list include searching for a new medical treatment plan, finding the right colorectal surgeon and having a life changing surgery.

I offer this alternate list of resolutions because in December of 2010, this was my list.

I remember so clearly how bad I felt at the end of that year, and how getting healthy felt like an intangible dream. I was so sick I didn't know if I could make it through the holidays in one piece.

It was actually the impending New Year, and everyone around me talking about their positive New Year's resolutions, that made me realize I was too miserable to go on. It was time for me to give in and to have my colon removed in a surgery that I had been avoiding for years.

That decision ultimately ended the nightmare I was living and gave me my health back! To this day, I feel thankful that the New Year had such a pivotal role in helping me move forward with something that truly did change my life.

My (Lack Of) Quality Of Life

I suffered through an extremely difficult ulcerative colitis flare up for more than four years. It began in 2007, just a few months after I married my (incredibly amazing) husband, Mike, and together we endured the physically and emotionally debilitating roller coaster that comes with ulcerative colitis.

About two years into the flare up, my brother in law, Dr. Joshua Arkin, approached me to talk about the potential positive outcomes of having my colon removed. The surgery is often recommended for patients with ulcerative colitis who don't respond well to medications. Josh was a third-year medical student at Tufts University at the time, and he was in his surgery rotation. He had just completed a presentation based on surgical interventions and outcomes for ulcerative colitis, a topic he selected because of his interest in my condition.

At the time, I truly appreciated him looking out for me, but I just wasn't ready to embark on something so permanent. As I used to say to my husband, I wouldn't consider getting a tattoo, how could I ever contemplate removing a vital organ from my body -– forever?

I didn't want to hear any more about the surgery (it scared me), and I wanted to hang on to hope that one of the medications would work for me so I could keep my colon. My husband and I were also hoping to start a family soon, and the surgery seemed like something that might infringe upon that plan.

In the meantime, my condition continued to get worse over the next two years and getting pregnant was never a consideration because I was too sick. My health continued to deteriorate and every medication-based treatment proved unsuccessful. At one point I enrolled in a year-long trial drug study, which ultimately failed me as well.

Around this time I started praying for health, something I had never done before. Unfortunately, nothing was relieving my pain and my prayers were going unanswered.

Finally Ready For Surgery

It was the winter of 2010 and our lives had been turned upside down by my disease. Our quality of life was non-existent, and I was back to the drawing board with my treatment options. There weren't many options left.

On New Year's Eve, Mike and I had tickets to see one of our favorite bands, Phish, perform at Madison Square Garden in New York City. I don't know how I made it through the show, but I remember watching the entire concert from the floor of MSG, not feeling physically strong enough to get up and stand for even one song.


With Mike before the Phish Show. I guess I put on a good fake smile.

I got through it in one piece, but when I woke up the next morning, on January 1, 2011, I told Mike I had had enough. I was finally ready to have the surgery.

We immediately called my gastroenterologist at Mt. Sinai Hospital, Dr. James George, who referred us to Dr. Michael Harris, the highly regarded colorectal surgeon who ultimately saved my life.

We met with Dr. Harris that week and he explained the details of the surgery and prepared me for what to expect in my recovery. We took our time, confirmed that all of our questions were answered, and decided it was finally the right time, with the right doctor, at the right hospital.

On January 10, 2011, I had my colon removed. I will never forget being rolled back into my hospital room with my entire family waiting to see me, and announcing that I actually felt like a "monster" had been removed from my body. That sick colon just needed to get out of me!


Feeling SO MUCH better after my surgery!

That first surgery was a complete success, as was the second surgery that was performed a few months later. Recovery after both surgeries was the real challenge, but my body healed incredibly well and the soreness from that was something I was happy to endure. After all of the horrible pain I had weathered for so many years from ulcerative colitis, the healing discomfort was nothing in comparison.

The Right Decision

I have never regretted having the surgery for one single second since I made the decision to go through with it.

Today, I have my life back, Mike and I have each other back, and nine months ago we added to our family when we welcomed our baby girl Joey Love into the world!


We love being parents to our daughter Joey Love!

We don't know how, but after many years of feeling helpless and hopeless, we actually made it through to the other side.

Check In With Yourself

If you are currently struggling with an illness, I recommend that you take advantage of the New Year and check in with yourself to make sure you are satisfied with your quality of life: physically, emotionally and spiritually.

I recommend that you contemplate the following considerations:

1. Are you happy with your doctor? Do you trust him or her with your life? Is it up to par with the type of care you deserve? If your aren't so sure, maybe it's time to start looking for another doctor who might be a better fit for you and your situation.

2. Are you feeling content with your current course of treatment? Are the medications working? Are any non-traditional interventions improving your symptoms? If not, maybe it's time to check in with your doctor to let them know you think it's time to try something else.

3. Are you satisfied with your quality of life? Is your illness infringing upon your personal life, your relationships or your career? If yes, maybe it's time to have a chat with your doctor, to see what other options you might have.

4. Could it be time to consider having surgery? As ominous as it sounds, there's a reason these major surgeries are known as life changing! If you have had enough, maybe it's time to consider some of the more drastic (but entirely safe) options that are out there!

If you feel you deserve better in any way, use the calendar and the New Year to make some changes in your life.

Regain Control

Those of us who deal with diseases like ulcerative colitis are so accustomed to feeling out of control, sometimes simply taking the initiative to make a change is enough to make us feel better.

Over the next week, think about these questions long and hard, and if you feel in your heart that your life could be better, plan to make some changes in 2014 so that you can find happiness again!

It's 2014 And I'm Back!

This year, I'm excited to say that I finally have some "normal" New Year's resolutions! I'm challenging myself to start working out on a regular basis and to get my body back in shape. It's been a long time -– between my illness and my pregnancy -– but it's time that I feel like myself again.

And the other thing I realized recently? After all of the time I spent praying for health, it looks like my prayers were answered after all.

Where are you in your struggles with your disease? Just diagnosed? Been sick for a while? Thinking about surgery? Had surgery and feeling good? Please share your story in the comments section below!

More from Everyday Health:

Is It Asthma or COPD?

Crohn's Disease and Your Risk for Colon Cancer

Don't Delay: Late Crohn's Diagnosis Can Cause Severe Problems

A New Year's Resolution That Changed My Life originally appeared on Everyday Health

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    Although pancreatic cancer is often life-threatening, Jobs actually had a rare, treatable form of the disease. But the tech visionary, a practicing Buddhist and strict vegetarian, pursued alternative therapies for nine months before eventually electing to follow a more conventional path. Although he had hoped to avoid an operation, Jobs had surgery in 2004, but by then the cancer had already spread.

    Some have speculated that had Jobs proceeded with conventional treatment for pancreatic cancer from the start, he may have won the battle.

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  • Farrah Fawcett

    The <em>Charlie's Angels</em> bombshell was diagnosed with anal cancer in 2006. To complement her chemotherapy treatments, she reportedly traveled to Germany for "natural supplements and also immune treatments" that aren't approved in the United States, according to Access Hollywood.

    Fawcett lost her battle with cancer in 2009.

  • Gwyneth Paltrow

    A regular proponent of various too-good-to-be-true-sounding cleanses, Paltrow is no stranger to natural remedies. In 2004, the actress showed up to a premiere with circular spots across her back, the telltale signs of a procedure called cupping.

    The process involves warm glass cups, which are placed on the skin to make a vacuum. It's said to increase blood flow, open pores, and allow toxins to leave the body.

  • Jenny McCarthy

    When the actress's son was diagnosed with autism in 2005, she went looking for answers and came across Generation Rescue, a community of families who believe vaccines and antibiotics are to blame for their children's autism.

    McCarthy now serves as president of the organization, which promotes "recovery" from autism. Despite repeated debunking of the decade-old study that alleged vaccines cause autism, many parents continue to question vaccine safety and reject the conventional medical practice outright, putting their children at risk of potentially deadly diseases.

  • Oprah Winfrey

    The media mogul has drawn criticism for her promotion of unapproved treatments and alternative therapies. Several natural-medicine proponents have appeared on her TV show, including Jenny McCarthy.

    Although she said in a statement that she believes viewers understand she is merely presenting information and not endorsing natural medicine or any of the procedures she has discussed, she has, given the widespread affect she has on her audience, undoubtedly convinced many viewers that these treatments can -- and do -- work.

  • Dr. Oz

    No surprise here, given that Mehmet Oz, M.D., was a frequent guest on <em>The Oprah Winfrey Show</em>. The cardiologist-turned-TV-host has integrated alternative treatments into his conventional practice. He has taken flack from the mainstream media for his methods, but he says he continues to use alternative therapies both in his practice and at home.

    He also regularly practices Transcendental Meditation (a type of concentrative meditation where a person focuses on one sight or sound) and has been doing yoga daily for more than 20 years, a ritual he calls "the most important health practice I have adopted."

    He recommends to patients other alternative treatments, such as mud baths for people with arthritis or other joint problems and aromatherapy oils to reduce stress and ease muscle aches.

  • Princess Diana

    The Princess of Wales was a regular at an alternative-medicine treatment facility called Chinese Clinic, according to <em>People</em> magazine. She is said to have taken part in reflexology treatments, a stimulation of the feet, hands, and ears that aims to impact other, more troublesome parts of the body. Some of the clinic's most popular alternative treatments included colonic hydrotherapy, electrical stimulation of the facial muscles for an instant "lift" and Australian herbal remedies.

  • Elle Macpherson

    Nicknamed "The Body," supermodel Macpherson spoke with U.K. magazine Fabulous in 2010 about her "Chinese medicine perspective" on health, which she said "promotes and maintains wellness rather than treats illness."

    She said she has undergone regular acupuncture treatments and seen a doctor who treated many of her ailments with herbal remedies.

  • Tom Cruise

    In 2005, the actor publicly criticized Brooke Shields's treatment for postpartum depression after the 2003 birth of her daughter. Cruise spoke out against the use of antidepressants, saying Shields didn't understand "the history of psychiatry."

    When Matt Lauer asked him to explain on the <em>Today</em> show, Cruise expressed doubts about the existence of depression, saying, "There is no such thing as a chemical imbalance."

  • Christy Turlington Burns

    The supermodel-turned-documentary-filmmaker told <em>Psychology Today</em> that she started practicing yoga at age 18, and was eventually introduced to Ayurveda, a 5,000-year-old Indian holistic science about discovering individual balance. This ancient theory of medicine emphasizes healthy habits such as massage, meditation, and healthy eating to prevent and treat illness.

  • Kate Moss

    After checking into rehab for cocaine addiction, her career on the line, the supermodel was photographed leaving a friend's house with two bandages on her right ear, thought to be covering the marks of acupuncture treatment, according to the BBC.

    The therapy may reduce withdrawal symptoms and even prevent relapse in people who are addicted to drugs.

  • Richard Gere

    One of Hollywood's most famous Buddhists, Gere started meditating at age 24 and continues to do so daily. He told PBS that it's a creative process involving finding "the space between thoughts" and that it's different for him every time.

    The relaxation technique can ease a range of ailments -- including chronic pain, depression and insomnia -- and it may even help smokers quit.

  • Olivia Newton-John

    Along with chemotherapy, the singer and actress used complementary treatments such as herbal supplements, acupuncture, meditation, and visualization to battle breast cancer. When she was first diagnosed in 1992, she even considered forgoing chemotherapy entirely in favor of homeopathic treatments and acupuncture, but eventually "common sense prevailed," she told CNN.

    Maintaining a positive mindset throughout the experience also helped her heal, she said.

  • Russell Simmons

    The hip-hop mogul may not seem like the typical meditation practitioner, but he's been getting his om on for over a decade.

    In a 2010 blog on The Huffington Post, Simmons wrote that meditation "has given me energy, strength, health, wisdom, and access to my own inner stillness, inner silence, inner bliss. It is my connection to myself; it is my connection to the universe."

  • Madonna

    After claiming that urinating on your feet is a cure for athlete's foot on <em>The Late Show With David Letterman</em> in 1994, it's not surprising that Madonna has ascribed to some strange natural cures. Today, the buff performer is a fan of more mainstream alternative practices, such as yoga.

  • James Hetfield

    A sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll-loving guitarist and singer isn't the typical poster boy for natural remedies. But in 2008, Metallica's Hetfield told the <em>Houston Chronicle</em> in order to get through the band's tour to promote that year's <em>Death Magnetic</em> album, he was trying out some alternative treatments, including reflexology, acupuncture, and drinking a "secret vegetable concoction."

  • Steve McQueen

    The bad-boy actor was diagnosed with mesothelioma, a deadly cancer of the lung lining, in 1979. He traveled to Mexico in July 1980 to be treated with pancreatic enzymes, a controversial therapy developed by a dentist who had since been "blacklisted" by the American Cancer Society, the <em>New York Times</em> reported.

    McQueen is also said to have received 50 daily vitamins and minerals, psychotherapy, coffee enemas, and injections made from sheep and cattle fetuses, all while taking part in healing massages and prayer sessions. After additional treatments with laetrile, a controversial apricot-pit-based injection, McQueen said he was in recovery, but he died shortly thereafter, following surgery to remove cancer from his abdomen and neck.

  • Suzanne Somers

    The actress is no stranger to alternative treatments, having cited unregulated hormone creams, around 60 vitamins and supplements, and estrogen injections directly into her vagina as her personal fountain of youth.

    But after surgery and radiation treatment for breast cancer in 2001, Somers opted for a drug made from mistletoe extract over chemotherapy, and wrote a book promoting the work of some very unconventional physicians.

  • Nick Nolte

    In a 2000 visit to Larry King Live, the Oscar nominee sat down with well-known alternative-medicine practitioners Andrew Weil M.D. and Eric Braverman, M.D., to discuss the hormonal injections Nolte was receiving.

    He also said he was undergoing treatments in hyperbaric oxygen chambers, a practice that involves breathing pure oxygen inside of a specially pressurized tank to promote healing.

  • Sarah Ferguson

    The former Duchess of York (and her daughters, princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, now famous Stateside thanks to those unforgettable royal-wedding hats) are said to have undergone bioenergy treatments from a Russian energy healer.

    Energy healing is similar to Reiki. Both treatments are said to harness positive energy, whether through touch or close proximity, to break negative thoughts and promote the body's natural healing processes.

  • Andrew Weil

    Of course Andrew Weil, M.D., an integrative-medicine specialist, digs herbs and tinctures. But he sees the wisdom in conventional medicine as well. He surprised some when he famously said, "If I'm in a car accident, don't take me to an herbalist. If I have bacterial pneumonia, give me antibiotics. But when it comes to maximizing the body's natural healing potential, a mix of conventional and alternative procedures seems like the only answer."

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