MCA Staff Writers

MCA Staff Writers

Presenting Up-to-Date Mesothelioma Topics

2 0 1 4Jan06


For some, the turn of the New Year brings resolutions and promises to make positive lifestyle changes. With that fact, January is aptly named National Staying Healthy month. Popular New Year’s resolutions generally follow the trend of getting healthy and staying healthy like losing weight, getting fit, and quitting smoking. With so many health-focused goals, a good way to kick off your year is to start with a cleanse. We live in a world full of toxins-- in our foods, in our products and in the air-- so a great way to jumpstart the year is to cleanse your body of as many toxins as you can.

Even if you are fighting cancer, a cleanse can be an awesome way to fill your body with nutrient-dense foods and flush your system of immune system-attacking toxins. In fact, cancer survivor Kris Carr is noted as raising awareness to the health benefits of juicing as a cleanse during her fight with cancer. As always, consult with your doctor before making any drastic changes to your diet. Whether you do a whole food, fruit and vegetable, soup or juice cleanse, here are some great ways why starting the New Year with a cleanse can be beneficial--

Start the New Year Fresh

Our bodies take in a large amount of processed foods, pesticides and chemicals on an everyday basis. Taking a few days to give our bodies a break from taking in and trying to break down these toxins while focusing on filling our bodies with nutrient rich foods is a good way to start the New Year. As you begin to end your cleanse, ease yourself off and introduce healthy whole foods back into your diet. Going from something like a juice cleanse right back to your usual diet is counterproductive and a shock to your system.

Become Independent from Bad Habits

Do you hate needing that morning cup of coffee to function in the morning? Or feeling like you have to eat something sweet after dinner everyday? Cleansing your body of alcohol, caffeine, and refined foods will help you let go of dependent food habits. Once you start to feel better naturally and with better foods and drinks, you’ll forget about your poor habits from before.

Emotional Cleanse

The food you eat not only contributes to how your body functions, but it’s also closely associated with how you feel emotionally. Negative emotions can lead to eating poorly and can manifest into aches and pains in your body. This negative cycle is unhealthy whether you’re going through cancer treatments or not. Cleansing can help turn your mind on to many more healthy habits, like exercise and meditation, to help keep your mind and body in the best condition possible.

Try It Yourself

Here is an easy-to-make green juice to have during a cleanse:

(Refreshing Citrus Green Juice via The Daily Squeeze)

  • 1 cup fresh spinach leaves

  • 2 lemons, peeled

  • 1 lime peeled

  • 2 oranges, peeled

  • 1 celery stalk

  • Ice

Using a centrifugal juicer, feed in the spinach, lemons and lime. Add the oranges and celery stalk.

Stir. Add ice if desired and serve.

Tags: cancer treatment, cleansing, mesothelioma, new years resolutions, nutrient-dense foods

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