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Patricia Guth

July 15, 2013

Veracruz, Mexico - About eight months ago, a Mexico-based construction materials company dumped about eight tons of asbestos at the Mexican Gulf Coast port of Veracruz and, since that time, no one has made an effort to remove the material, which was imported from Russia. Now, locals are concerned about the implications the material may have on the health of those who work or live nearby.

A report in the Reforma newspaper cited the issues with the asbestos, which was imported by the Mexalit Company, which manufactures construction materials. Apparently, Mexalit officials had asked a transport company to keep it at the port because all of the company’s warehouses were full at the time. It was assumed that the material would be moved as soon as possible but the toxic material remained at the port. After several months, the transport company had to file a suit against Mexalit Company for non-payment of storage fees.

Following the filing of the suit, the transport company dumped the asbestos materials at the port’s Supply Center loading zone, located on the Veracruz-Xalapa highway and close to a very populated area, the newspaper article explains. The newspaper also expressed concern that the material was being handled by workers wearing little protection to prevent asbestos exposure and inhalation of dangerous fibers. Furthermore, the packaging around the asbestos is beginning to deteriorate, causing further concern about airborne asbestos fibers.

Now, locals – as well as port officials and employees – want to know who’s responsible for removing the material and when it will be done. Because of the large quantity of asbestos at the port and the fact that the fibers, when released, can remain airborne for quite some time, there is considerable concern about the potential of exposed individuals developing respiratory diseases, such as mesothelioma, a deadly form of cancer that can appear decades after exposure.

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