People who have inactive NF2 gene can slow disease progression with the use of Mesothelioma drug.

New Study Helps To Prevent Mesothelioma Disease

Preliminary findings about new drug showcase some amount of success that prevents spread of the deadly disease – Mesothelioma.

NF2 is an active gene produced in the body to prevent occurrence of tumor. Mesothelioma is caused due to longer exposure to asbestos. Patients who are diagnosed with the diseases are often found to expire between 9 and 17 months.

Professor Jean-Charles Soria, South Paris University, stated that inhibiting FAK will eventually slow down the development of mesothelioma or even stop it in its early stage.

Professor, along with colleagues recruited 29 patients suffering from mesothelioma to carry forward the phase I of the study.

These patients consumed the drug orally twice a day.

Majority of the patients consumed 1000mg of the drug in a single day. There were low grade side effects which were completely tolerable.

The experiment will provide an opportunity to sub categorize patients that can gain benefit from the drug and increase their survival.

The study is undergoing and researchers will collect data and carry out further analysis to come to a conclusion. Larger clinical trials may be required for more effective study of the research.


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